Saturday, October 31, 2009

Treasures found in Reading

I am blessed with the passion for reading. I believe God has used my love for books to show me his greatness and shape who I am into a better me. This path of growing into a more Christ-like person has only began; and the anticipation of the wonderful things God can make in my life inspire me to take the time to write this blog.
I always enjoy following my friend's blogs and admire their ability to manage the language in such a beautiful and fun way. As I continue with the struggles of a second language, I hope to acquire the skills to follow on my mother’s steps and maybe write a book when I retire (ha! That was a joke! When am I going to retire? Retire of what? ).

During my adult life, I have never taken the time to pursue a hobby even though the artistic side of me enjoys scrapbooking among a few others. I guess my poor time management skills do not allow me to set time for any of those activities. I still hope there will be a day when I learn to include all those fun things into my schedule.

Nevertheless, this morning I felt inspired to start a blog about my reading experience; I thought of it in many different ways. The enjoyment that I find in a good book and the blessings I receive through the messages found. Often times while enjoying an inspiring topic, I feel the desire to share it. I think of people I know that may receive a blessing through it as well, and usually this leads me into prayer for that person. Unfortunately, not always, in fact very few times I find the opportunity to share it. Now, this days, when everybody seems to be found on facebook (just to mention my favorite social network) I realize that once I write about something, it would only take a clik to share it with 252 people. Now, that's BIG! to me anyhow. When would I have an audience that big? The only time I see close to that many people is at church, and there is no way somebody would find me with the microphone in my hand.

So, here I am, ready to start this journey hopping that not just me, but you also may be blessed through it. That would make a busy mamma’s time totally worthy of being spent in the luxury of a hobby!


1 comment:

  1. Martha, por favor cuando leas un libro que te impresione dejanoslo saber. Oye te has leído el libro: "The Hiding Place" de Corrie Ten Boom? yo lo disfruté mucho! La verdad fué muy inspirador. Yo tambié disfruto mucho de la lectura, especialmente cuando encuentro un buen libro.
